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Spoils Of War

Spoils of war is a realtime versus 2D strategy game where the player controls 6 units. The objective of the game is to dig your way through until below the enemy HQ and place enough bombs to explode it.


In this big project, my role was Lead Programmer. The project being massive, there were many people (7 designers, 5+ audio and 2 programmers). The game was made on Unity within 6 weeks.


Unfortunately, because the other programmer vanished without a word, I had to handle all the programming for the entire project.

My goal in this project was to make design tools and work as a programmer -- without designing mechanics, patterns, etc.


Although the final build is playable, I am unhappy about this project: In the end, I feel like I did a big 75% of the whole game by myself (excluding graphic & sound assets). Play-testing hasn't be done enough, I was left too often without a proper direction, and a big 85% of the decisions I had made were not questioned / checked / changed by the designers.


This project was a good experience, which taught me how to handle disappearing teammates and still having to meet deadlines. It also taught me that smaller groups usually work better as a team.


Lastly, I experienced what it felt to be let down by your own team, being rewarded for all your hard work with an entry at the very bottom of the credits.


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